Identifying Competition Michael Porter has identified five forces that determine the intrinsic long-run attractiveness of a market or ma...
Macro environments of Marketing
The Major Macro Environments of Marketing are: Demographic Environment Economic Environment Social - Cultural Environment Natural En...
CORE Concepts of Marketing
Core concepts of Marketing: Needs Wants Demands Target Market Positioning Segmentation Offerings Brands Value and satisfaction ...
SIVA Model of Marketing
SIVA MODEL: From buyer point of view each marketing tool is designed to deliver benefits to the customer. SIVA Model is a customer c...
Marketing Mix - Four ps of Marketing (4Ps)
Marketing - Mix tools of four broad kinds: 4Ps Of Marketing. The 4p's of marketing represent the seller's view of marketing to...
Concepts of Marketing
Evolution of marketing concepts: Production Concept: The production concept is one of the oldest concept . What is production conc...

Marketing channels and Environment
Marketing Channels Three important marketing channels are: Communication Channels - Ex: Email, newspaper, Tv, Internet. Distribution ...
Types of Market
What is Market? Market is a place where buyer and seller meet to sell or buy goods and service. Types of Market Consumer Market Busi...
Basics of Marketing
What is marketing? Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service for the purpose of selling the produc...